This is my brother Parker. He is quite the hand full, but I love him anyway. He makes me laugh till I can't breathe and he makes me so frustrated I could pull out every single one of the hairs on my head, but that's what little bros are for right?
We did a lot of cool things today (anna and the fam were in KC getting her endowments done!) I tried to be awesome and we did a whole bunch of pintrest crafts. (link to my pinterest page on the right column >>>) at first I wanted to try this cool recipe for sidewalk PAINT but Pk didn't want it to wash away in the was cute but annoying. So then we wanted to try some flubber! we hit up walmart and got the supplies. (borax and elmer's glue) It turned out pretty good:
{we thought the mustache flubber was pretty dang funny}
mixture one: 3/4 cup warm water
1 cup elmers glue
your choice of food coloring
mixture two:2 tsp Borax
1/2 cup warm water
how to make it::
stir mixture 1 together in 1 bowl,and mixture 2 in another
bowl. Make sure both are mixed well. Pour mixture 1 into mixture 2. Work it with your
hands for 2-3 minutes and you have got Flubber!
we then thought it would be fun to break out the paint and make some lady bug rocks! PK was so cute making sure each dot was "super good."
We finished off our awesome day by goin to the neighborhood pool! Woo! PK is so super tan.
we played charades under water and also had a pretty intense water fight.
I love this kid. I'm so grateful to have been able to spend the day with him. even though it was just a little aggravating at times.
Have a great day!
What are some fun things you have done with your siblings?
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