The week went "well". I was in a competition that was not in my 'special skills' was embarrassing but helpful. However, when I first arrived, I was really struggling. I really didn't see myself doing anything relating to the topic of this competition anytime in my future. EVER. I really just wanted to go home. I was studying my scriptures one night in my hotel room and I came across a scripture in the Book of Mormon that read,
And now behold, I say unto you that myself, and also my men, and also Helaman and his men, have suffered exceedingly great sufferings; yea, even hunger, thirst, and fatigue, and all manner of afflictions of every kind.
But behold, were this all we had suffered we would not murmur nor complain
Wow. was I really complaining? I had had no troubles like they had to endure and still I was complaining. Maybe not aloud, but definitely in my head. I decided to suck it up. and actually, once I tried having a good attitude, there were times I really did enjoy it. I loved my mom for helping me out when I didn't feel comfortable and for always being my friend. I looked at awkward situations as a moment to break out of my shell a little bit, and grow from that. I even ended up winning an award. the conference ended up being helpful in ways. Sure there were times where I felt awkward and murmured a little...but no one is perfect.
Here are some pics from the event:
<this is Chad Brodsky. basically the best looking man alive. He acted on Wizards of Waverly place>
<my favorite event was creative runway. Me and my newspaper skirt on the left and my friend Sidney's outfit on the right>.
<---interviews night on the town^
I also competed in
- monologue
- cold read
- improv.
- photography
- and a few others.
I had a lot of fun with the ladies my mom and I roomed with (sidney and her mom) they were pretty much exactly like us. Overall, I am grateful for the experience. I probably won't do it again, but the knowledge I have gained from it was well worth my time.
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