September 2, 2012

this week

lets get caught up shall we?

this has been a most adventerous and busy week.

SATURDAY august 25th

Parker and I had a date <3
I needed to go get notepads for my trombone section at the oh so prestigeous dollar-tree. and Parker just had to go to Ray's apple market to get this special toy someone told him about. "oh gosh! its a buildable fort that only costs $1!! It also gives you a free puppy!" exact words.

so when we got to rays we were a little disapointed that there was no such thing.

 we ate our sorrows away at IHOP

that same day I had the trombones from the MHS marching band come to my house for a sectional
photo by parker

Later I babysat this sweet little piece of sunshine:

everytime I go over there we have a tea party of gold fish and punch.
I love it and miss those days.
she and I then played in the rain! we saw a poor little cat caught in it and felt so sad :( then we got scared when it came toward us. haha but we kept an eye on it and it eventually made it home

have you seen Timothy Green?? 
my family and I went and it is absolutely amazing
I highly recommend it.


MONDAY august 27th
I had my 1st tennis match of the season. I lost. :( 

TUESDAY august 28th
went to bluestem to blow off some steam with my friends :):)
I had the best hot cocoa imaginable and felt good.
this is Nick. He is a math wizard and he found the chalkboard table and proceeded to show us cool math pictures, I have no clue how they worked but it was so fun to see him so excited

sorry for the terrible quality of my samsung phone.

THURSDAY august 30

I performed with the VARSITY choir at Purple Power Play on Points.
this is my friend Levi. he is my varsity choir brother :) 
we get each other presents on performance days.
It was his turn and he got me the best gift ever!
my name spelled out with tennis balls!!

there were some factors that were hard with this week, but it was a good time otherwise

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