September 28, 2012

You know how it is with girls and their beauty notions

so today, as it was a lazy day, I decided to use this day with the home to myself (for the most part) to do a little something with my -DO to make it less dry and grody

I found a pic on Pinterest that assured me my hair would look like a gorgeous waterfall when I was through. 

and it involved egg yolks.

you can never go wrong with that.

Before: I just woke up...don't judge.

the recipie
(also i'm practicing my signature on you like?)

mmmm tasty.

smelly stuff....
also I hope you noticed I'm watching the Hannah Montana movie in my kitchen

Did it do anything? probably not....although I did leave it in for about 20 minutes too long because I was distracted my Miley Stewart's love life....It still stinks after shampooing 2ice.

I love my puppy.

1 comment:

  1. I love her too :(
    Haha I judged. Not really, you look great!!! :D
    And I like what you got distracted with. You are hilarious!

    ps I think I'm cutting myyyy hair Saturday! You need to convince me that it's okay because should I grow it out? or cut it?
