July 25, 2013


Today was rainy and wonderful. I absolutely LOVE Kansas rain, especially in the summer. It makes me feel fresh and happy. 

My mom helped me pack a lot today. Most everything is in boxes or suitcases.  While I was packing away some shoes, mom came out of my room holding my favorite stuffed bear.  Her name is Princess, I got her for my 8th birthday.  Whenever a storm came or the power went out in my house, I would always grab a snack, a flashlight and princess before I headed downstairs.  Her fur is very course and her beaded stuffing sags in the middle, but she is so special. My mom asked if I would be taking her with me... I thought that would be an easy decision to make, but I feel like Andy on Toy Story when he left for college.  There are so many memories I have with this bear....but I think its time to go on my own and face the storms with out her. 

I love my Princess

1 comment:

  1. LOL. I would remember having storms and I would be like, "Why did you grab princess? You only ever play with her when there is a storm..." haha YOU ARE CUTE and i miss that. YAY COME TO ME!!!!
