This really shows how much we secretly judge others when we have no place to.
June 24, 2012
Looking through windows
This really shows how much we secretly judge others when we have no place to.
new experiences.
yesterday I went boating with my good friend Brady and his family! It was super fun and I'm so sore and
me and Brady tubing!
Jet Ski!!!
he was nice and trusted me ....but i'm pretty sure he was freaking out.
I hit soo many waves.
me and Braidster
I then went to a good bye party for my two foreign exchange friends :( both these girls are so sweet and I am sad to see them go. They have both blessed my life in different ways.
This is Lucienne, from Germany. She is such a bubbly and fun gal! She has taught me to enjoy life and to be involved. She has such a beautiful spirit and always looks for the good in people.
and of course some pics of the Par-tay.
have a lovely day!
June 21, 2012
My to do list:
clean room and bathroom for Anna and Ken'ts arrival tomorrow (my room is now there hotel)
pack for Florida-leaving on Tuesday for a conference
send 4 thank you cards
finish Anna and Kent's pot holder. (I dabble in crochet)
make a bucket load of cookies
practice choir music for choir camp
run at some point
....yeah. its 1:30 and I just barely got dressed.
June 20, 2012
Today I am sick. I wasn't feeling too well yesterday afternoon and then it came back full force in the evening. i feel like i just got hit by a bus and all my insides are jumbled.
However there is one upside to this.
I get to watch Mr. Arturo Trejo all day and will not be questioned.
However there is one upside to this.
I get to watch Mr. Arturo Trejo all day and will not be questioned.
June 17, 2012
the wedding!

The wedding day went awesome...except we kinda got lost on the way to the temple. but no worries, we said a prayer and all was well.
It went so fast when we got into the front room of the temple. It was so cute to see all the old ladies swarm around anna and assure her that everything would be perfect. I didn't really get to say goodbye to her before she left but I didn't really need to. I knew she loved me, and I knew how happy Kent was going to make her. and that was enough for me.
During the wedding, Kent's siblings, Parker and I sat in the waiting room. We were all kinda quiet, but excited at the same time.
when Anna and Kent came out, it was like everything and nothing had changed at the same time. They were glowing with happiness!
Congratulations Anna and Kent Buys!
the night before.
Well! Anna is married. its so weird to think about.. I had a lot of perspective come my way this past weekend.
On Friday, the Buys and Freeby family went to Kansas City to stay overnight for the wedding! I was able to meet their other son, Derrick, and we set off lanterns into the sky! it was a real Tangled moment.
{Kent's sister Hollie and foreign exchange student, KyKy}
{Kent and Anna} <3
That night I was laying in the hotel bed next to Parker. I started thinking about Anna and how I used to hate being her sister when we were little. She got to do all the cool stuff, she got all the new clothes while I just got her hammy downs. I wished I would have looked at those situations differently. My mom told me when I was younger that "when Anna went to college, I was going to miss her, and that is when we will become friends" I thought yeah right. But she was right. that is exactly what happened. I love my sister and I did NOT want her to leave..
I started to cry and couldn't stop. I tried to be quiet because my family was sleeping and Anna was still up with Kent in the hall talking. When she came in I tried to hold my breath, but I couldn't breathe out of my nose because I was crying so much. She obviously knew and came over to me and squeezed in the already over crowded bed. She started talking to me like nothing had happened and we were just talking at home. She told me about the funny mishaps that she had totally overlooked, like not packing pj's for the night before the wedding so she had to sleep in her day clothes. She rubbed my back as we lay in bed and I felt at peace. I wasn't loosing my sister. She is always going to be there for me and we would still be bff's. Its just now she had a new last name. I stopped crying and fell asleep.
On Friday, the Buys and Freeby family went to Kansas City to stay overnight for the wedding! I was able to meet their other son, Derrick, and we set off lanterns into the sky! it was a real Tangled moment.
{me and mom}
{Kent's sister Hollie and foreign exchange student, KyKy}
That night I was laying in the hotel bed next to Parker. I started thinking about Anna and how I used to hate being her sister when we were little. She got to do all the cool stuff, she got all the new clothes while I just got her hammy downs. I wished I would have looked at those situations differently. My mom told me when I was younger that "when Anna went to college, I was going to miss her, and that is when we will become friends" I thought yeah right. But she was right. that is exactly what happened. I love my sister and I did NOT want her to leave..
I started to cry and couldn't stop. I tried to be quiet because my family was sleeping and Anna was still up with Kent in the hall talking. When she came in I tried to hold my breath, but I couldn't breathe out of my nose because I was crying so much. She obviously knew and came over to me and squeezed in the already over crowded bed. She started talking to me like nothing had happened and we were just talking at home. She told me about the funny mishaps that she had totally overlooked, like not packing pj's for the night before the wedding so she had to sleep in her day clothes. She rubbed my back as we lay in bed and I felt at peace. I wasn't loosing my sister. She is always going to be there for me and we would still be bff's. Its just now she had a new last name. I stopped crying and fell asleep.
June 13, 2012
This is my brother Parker. He is quite the hand full, but I love him anyway. He makes me laugh till I can't breathe and he makes me so frustrated I could pull out every single one of the hairs on my head, but that's what little bros are for right?
We did a lot of cool things today (anna and the fam were in KC getting her endowments done!) I tried to be awesome and we did a whole bunch of pintrest crafts. (link to my pinterest page on the right column >>>) at first I wanted to try this cool recipe for sidewalk PAINT but Pk didn't want it to wash away in the was cute but annoying. So then we wanted to try some flubber! we hit up walmart and got the supplies. (borax and elmer's glue) It turned out pretty good:
{we thought the mustache flubber was pretty dang funny}
mixture one: 3/4 cup warm water
1 cup elmers glue
your choice of food coloring
mixture two:2 tsp Borax
1/2 cup warm water
how to make it::
stir mixture 1 together in 1 bowl,and mixture 2 in another
bowl. Make sure both are mixed well. Pour mixture 1 into mixture 2. Work it with your
hands for 2-3 minutes and you have got Flubber!
we then thought it would be fun to break out the paint and make some lady bug rocks! PK was so cute making sure each dot was "super good."
We finished off our awesome day by goin to the neighborhood pool! Woo! PK is so super tan.
we played charades under water and also had a pretty intense water fight.
I love this kid. I'm so grateful to have been able to spend the day with him. even though it was just a little aggravating at times.
Have a great day!
What are some fun things you have done with your siblings?
June 12, 2012
I love this song! I'm touched every time I hear it. These girls are my new youtube addiction.
All the Single Ladies
Today was the last morning Anna and I could spend as single sisters without her fiance Kent. (He arrives today!) So what did we decide to do? What else but get a make up tutorial.
I never wear make up if I don't have to, especially if i'm just chillin' at home for the summer, but I was still pretty excited
Anna had won a free Mary Kay spa day for getting her name drawn for a bridal raffle.
It was super fun. the Lady was really nice and we got to put a whole bunch of goop on our skin to make it feel super smooth. Then the magic happened. We got all dolled up, and it felt good! Here are some before and after pics:
I really just enjoyed being able to do something with my sister. I will miss her a ton when she gets married. It's weird to think we wont have these little adventures together as much anymore. (I'm rather clingy) BUT! we do look dang good
I never wear make up if I don't have to, especially if i'm just chillin' at home for the summer, but I was still pretty excited
Anna had won a free Mary Kay spa day for getting her name drawn for a bridal raffle.
It was super fun. the Lady was really nice and we got to put a whole bunch of goop on our skin to make it feel super smooth. Then the magic happened. We got all dolled up, and it felt good! Here are some before and after pics:
I really just enjoyed being able to do something with my sister. I will miss her a ton when she gets married. It's weird to think we wont have these little adventures together as much anymore. (I'm rather clingy) BUT! we do look dang good
June 11, 2012
band camp.
every family has their "thing"
some families are athletic
some families are artistic
some families are big on cooking and gardening
My family has a band thing.
My dad is a professional trumpet player
My sister plays the french horn
I play trombone
My 7 year old brother Parker loves the drums
>>Link of him performing to the soundtrack "Rio" HERE
...and my mom is the constant support. ;)
We have done a lot of local camps and bands during the years we have been involved, but this past week I was able to go to Friends University in Wichita Kansas to participate in a selective band.
I was pretty pumped at first. Anna had gone her senior year, and it sounded pretty cool to be able to go and live in a college dorm for 4 days...
Then I got there and remembered something...
I knew absolutely NO ONE.
I never really realized how hard it is to feel so stand in line for dinner, not knowing who you were going to sit by or talk to...
I prayed. I prayed to just have someone to sit with.. They didn't have to become my best friend, just someone to share a table with so I could look normal..
Then I heard my name. I thought it was just a coincidence, that someone with friends must have had the same name as me...but nope! They were talking to me. Hallelujah.
It turns out that one of the good friends Anna made while she was at the camp had been a regular camp attendee. What are the odds of THAT?
Well anyway Liz (Anna's friend) and Bree(the girl Liz was with) and I ate dinner together. I was so grateful for them.
Throughout the week we became really good friends and I laughed almost every 3 seconds.
They made me feel so good!
...Then I looked around and saw a girl standing by herself. I looked at her and saw me that first day, not knowing who to talk to, or who to sit with. I prayed for her this time, that either someone (possibly myself) would have the courage to go and sit with her and be her friend like Bree and Liz did for me. I kept an eye on her and she did make friends, but being alone really opened my eyes to the fact that everyone feels alone sometimes, and its important for courageous people to make them feel important...because they are.
I'm grateful for Liz for being courageous and introducing herself to me, and being able to make friends in such an awkward situation. Thanks babe.
some families are athletic
some families are artistic
some families are big on cooking and gardening
My family has a band thing.
My dad is a professional trumpet player
My sister plays the french horn
I play trombone
My 7 year old brother Parker loves the drums
>>Link of him performing to the soundtrack "Rio" HERE
...and my mom is the constant support. ;)
We have done a lot of local camps and bands during the years we have been involved, but this past week I was able to go to Friends University in Wichita Kansas to participate in a selective band.
I was pretty pumped at first. Anna had gone her senior year, and it sounded pretty cool to be able to go and live in a college dorm for 4 days...
Then I got there and remembered something...
I knew absolutely NO ONE.
I never really realized how hard it is to feel so stand in line for dinner, not knowing who you were going to sit by or talk to...
I prayed. I prayed to just have someone to sit with.. They didn't have to become my best friend, just someone to share a table with so I could look normal..
Then I heard my name. I thought it was just a coincidence, that someone with friends must have had the same name as me...but nope! They were talking to me. Hallelujah.
It turns out that one of the good friends Anna made while she was at the camp had been a regular camp attendee. What are the odds of THAT?
Well anyway Liz (Anna's friend) and Bree(the girl Liz was with) and I ate dinner together. I was so grateful for them.
Throughout the week we became really good friends and I laughed almost every 3 seconds.
They made me feel so good!
...Then I looked around and saw a girl standing by herself. I looked at her and saw me that first day, not knowing who to talk to, or who to sit with. I prayed for her this time, that either someone (possibly myself) would have the courage to go and sit with her and be her friend like Bree and Liz did for me. I kept an eye on her and she did make friends, but being alone really opened my eyes to the fact that everyone feels alone sometimes, and its important for courageous people to make them feel important...because they are.
I'm grateful for Liz for being courageous and introducing herself to me, and being able to make friends in such an awkward situation. Thanks babe.
Me, Bree & Liz
oh hey
Welcome to my blog!
some things you should know about me:
1. I have no talent with a computer.
I will do things on a computer that take 30 million hours that takes a normal person 2 minutes.
My sister Anna is a normal person
So she helped me a lot to set up this blog :)
This is us being awesome at uno in the morning.
2. My sister is basically my bff. She is super cool and I have looked up to her for as long as I can remember. She is getting married THIS SATURDAY June 16 in the Kansas City LDS temple. Its crazy but I am so excited for her and her awesome hubby to be Kent. Check out Anna's blog here!
3. I enjoy the little things. I know-it sounds super cliche (is that how you spell it?) but its true. Not a day goes by that I don't look at the clouds and feel so unbelievably blessed to live in this lovely world.
SO! Let's have a ball and get this blog-a-rollin'!
some things you should know about me:
1. I have no talent with a computer.
I will do things on a computer that take 30 million hours that takes a normal person 2 minutes.
My sister Anna is a normal person
So she helped me a lot to set up this blog :)
This is us being awesome at uno in the morning.
2. My sister is basically my bff. She is super cool and I have looked up to her for as long as I can remember. She is getting married THIS SATURDAY June 16 in the Kansas City LDS temple. Its crazy but I am so excited for her and her awesome hubby to be Kent. Check out Anna's blog here!
3. I enjoy the little things. I know-it sounds super cliche (is that how you spell it?) but its true. Not a day goes by that I don't look at the clouds and feel so unbelievably blessed to live in this lovely world.
SO! Let's have a ball and get this blog-a-rollin'!
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