Sometimes the only thing you can do about hard things is cry on the shower floor and watch 6 episodes of dowton abbey
January 31, 2013
January 28, 2013
"Dear Claire,
Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to Brigham Young University-Idaho. Rich blessings and life changing opportunities await you here..."
This was my reaction when reading the email:
January 23, 2013
This is my brother Parker. I love him so dearly
He is such a sweet boy.
He is eight years old
He also has tourettes syndrome.
Tourettes is a chemical issue in the brain which makes him move in ways he cant control. When you have Tourettes, you also have a very high risk of getting OCD as well, which Parker also has.
This little boy makes me want to be better.
He makes me want to be a better sister
He struggles a lot, but I have never met any one with such a beautiful spirit as his.
Yesterday I was able to talk to my IPS class about Parker and our experience with Tourettes and the impact it has had on our family..
When I asked Parker's permission to do this, he was so open and willing to answer any questions I might have had.
He is so cool.
I was very emotional and it was a lot harder than I thought to speak to the class.
I have not always been the most understanding of Tourettes and OCD and I am certainly not an expert as to what they do to a person.
all I know is they make things hard.
I cried and I was embarrassed...I had only told one person how hard it was for me that Parker had this. I didn't think it was fair that he had to endure something so hard so young...but lucky for me this person is also in the class, and helped me get through it, weather they knew it or not.
I was very grateful I was able to share this with my IPS family. I love my brother and I want everyone to see him for how strong he is because of his situation, and not focus so much on the fact that he is different.
January 21, 2013
January 16, 2013
oh gracious what an issue
I'm starting to realize that not everyone is going to be best friends in the world...and not everyone is going to appreciate you or look at you with respect...
call me ignorant but I used to think that was possible.
But through the glares and tension...I started to give up on that idea. I still respect the people who don't particularly enjoy my company...but they make it very easy for me to notice that they would much rather spend an afternoon with a dementor than with me.
There is one person in my life whom I admire very much...but they dont seem to jive the same with me.
I try my hardest to be polite and smile in their direction...but they just do not care for that or pay any attention to it at all.
I was beginning to think it was me...that I was a terrible person or I did something to offend them...(even though I could not think of a single instance that could have possibly been even misinturpreted as rude or arrogant..)
I went with that thought for what felt like a good chunk of my emotional life...but then I realized...I hadn't done anything but be myself...I hadn't done anything besides expressing my thoughts that were honest and just...
This person just cant stand me for some reason. I am trying to accept the fact that I will never be treated very well by this person...and there is probably nothing I can do about it except show love to them.
I like to think that the only opinion I care about is the Lord's...and thats what I want, but the natural man is so tricky in making me obsess over how others view me...
call me ignorant but I used to think that was possible.
But through the glares and tension...I started to give up on that idea. I still respect the people who don't particularly enjoy my company...but they make it very easy for me to notice that they would much rather spend an afternoon with a dementor than with me.
There is one person in my life whom I admire very much...but they dont seem to jive the same with me.
I try my hardest to be polite and smile in their direction...but they just do not care for that or pay any attention to it at all.
I was beginning to think it was me...that I was a terrible person or I did something to offend them...(even though I could not think of a single instance that could have possibly been even misinturpreted as rude or arrogant..)
I went with that thought for what felt like a good chunk of my emotional life...but then I realized...I hadn't done anything but be myself...I hadn't done anything besides expressing my thoughts that were honest and just...
This person just cant stand me for some reason. I am trying to accept the fact that I will never be treated very well by this person...and there is probably nothing I can do about it except show love to them.
I like to think that the only opinion I care about is the Lord's...and thats what I want, but the natural man is so tricky in making me obsess over how others view me...
January 14, 2013
something good
There was something good about today.
I'm not really sure what it was.
It was chilly and nothing super out of the ordinary happened.
There was just something good about today.
I'm not really sure what it was.
It was chilly and nothing super out of the ordinary happened.
There was just something good about today.
January 13, 2013
Elder Holland
Listening to Jeffery R. Holland while looking at pinterest is the best thing ever. I was listening to him while I was writing my last post and just his voice in the background was so powerful!
He said something in the talk that I am listening to that made me smile and realize that I am not alone when I hurt.
He said "The road to Salvation ALWAYS goes through Gethsemane"
meaning, this life is not easy. I will be tried and I will be in pain and suffer..but its all worth it to be with my Heavenly Father again.
oh gracious he is so powerful!
This isn't the talk I'm listening to..but I love this one too
He said something in the talk that I am listening to that made me smile and realize that I am not alone when I hurt.
He said "The road to Salvation ALWAYS goes through Gethsemane"
meaning, this life is not easy. I will be tried and I will be in pain and suffer..but its all worth it to be with my Heavenly Father again.
oh gracious he is so powerful!
tender mercies
I will tell you, the Lord knows all. He is just wonderfully amazing and sometimes I do not realize it...
Yesterday I was offered to go and visit my good friend (the same one I asked to subdeb) in the hospital in Kansas City by a lovely group of friends. Of course I wanted to go! And I felt like it was a righetous desire to go on a Sunday. I did make sure that I was able to go to Sacrament meeting, but I would leave right after and miss my other two meetings. I made all the arrangements and felt very responsible and proud to make it so that I could go and still keep the Sabbath Day holy. Then I realized I had not asked permission from my parents...the only thing I was worried about was they wouldnt let me go if a parent wasnt going either...
which is exactly what happened.
I was very upset, and felt like they were treating me like a child (which is rediculous because I am one) and not really understanding my side. I didnt fight back...I just went to my room very frustraited.
Now you probably know that I am an EXTREMEMLY emotional person. and anything that reminds me of bad situations and anything that amplifies situations in my life that arent the best...I lose it.
I cried. I don't really know why. It was not a huge deal that I couldnt go, and I knew that. Just something about the situation set me over the edge from the stress from school and life.
My mom came in and said it was mostly dad's decision, but that she stood by him..and for some reason that made me feel better. My dad is so sensitive to the spirit and he knows things sometimes that I just have no concept of...
Today I really did not want to get up, but I quickly and messily got up and got ready for church, exaughsted from crying and lack of sleep..
But as soon as church started...I realized why I was not going to Kansas City.
Sacrament meeting was absolutely amazing. the spirit was so strong. but it was my last two meetings that the Spirit really helped me..the two meetings that I would have missed if I had gone to Kansas City.
Sunday School was on The Tender Mercies of the Lord, realizing the little things and the people that come into our lives that help us come from the Lord, and that he knows us all personally..
Young Women was about coming to know Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.
I needed both of those lessons more than I could have possibly known. The strength and love that it provided to me and the knowledge that it confirmed my dad's decision to keep me from going to KC.
He probably didn't know that I would need these lessons, but I am grateful to him all the same...
I am working on being more appreciative of my parents, because they really do so much for Parker and I that we take for granted.
After church, I got a text message that my friend was being sent home from the hospital today, and that the group that invited me to go to KC had gotten out of town and had to turn back to manhattan. If I would have gone, I would have missed those two wonderful lessons for no reason.
I am making a goal to be more observent of the Lord's tender mercies and the love He has for me
Yesterday I was offered to go and visit my good friend (the same one I asked to subdeb) in the hospital in Kansas City by a lovely group of friends. Of course I wanted to go! And I felt like it was a righetous desire to go on a Sunday. I did make sure that I was able to go to Sacrament meeting, but I would leave right after and miss my other two meetings. I made all the arrangements and felt very responsible and proud to make it so that I could go and still keep the Sabbath Day holy. Then I realized I had not asked permission from my parents...the only thing I was worried about was they wouldnt let me go if a parent wasnt going either...
which is exactly what happened.
I was very upset, and felt like they were treating me like a child (which is rediculous because I am one) and not really understanding my side. I didnt fight back...I just went to my room very frustraited.
Now you probably know that I am an EXTREMEMLY emotional person. and anything that reminds me of bad situations and anything that amplifies situations in my life that arent the best...I lose it.
I cried. I don't really know why. It was not a huge deal that I couldnt go, and I knew that. Just something about the situation set me over the edge from the stress from school and life.
My mom came in and said it was mostly dad's decision, but that she stood by him..and for some reason that made me feel better. My dad is so sensitive to the spirit and he knows things sometimes that I just have no concept of...
Today I really did not want to get up, but I quickly and messily got up and got ready for church, exaughsted from crying and lack of sleep..
But as soon as church started...I realized why I was not going to Kansas City.
Sacrament meeting was absolutely amazing. the spirit was so strong. but it was my last two meetings that the Spirit really helped me..the two meetings that I would have missed if I had gone to Kansas City.
Sunday School was on The Tender Mercies of the Lord, realizing the little things and the people that come into our lives that help us come from the Lord, and that he knows us all personally..
Young Women was about coming to know Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.
I needed both of those lessons more than I could have possibly known. The strength and love that it provided to me and the knowledge that it confirmed my dad's decision to keep me from going to KC.
He probably didn't know that I would need these lessons, but I am grateful to him all the same...
I am working on being more appreciative of my parents, because they really do so much for Parker and I that we take for granted.
After church, I got a text message that my friend was being sent home from the hospital today, and that the group that invited me to go to KC had gotten out of town and had to turn back to manhattan. If I would have gone, I would have missed those two wonderful lessons for no reason.
I am making a goal to be more observent of the Lord's tender mercies and the love He has for me
We watched this video today along with the Tender Mercies lesson
January 9, 2013
i'm feeling a little groggy...sooo...
Today I am Thankful for...
>Music that makes me cry
>My mom and dad who wake me up
>a bed
>my IPS class
>the Priesthood
>the Priesthood
>curling irons
>the Gospel
>the Gospel
>cute/ old kiva
>My Savior, who knows how I'm feeling every moment
>pinterest humor
I do not have arthritis.
My blood is actually quite healthy. boo ya.
My achy joints are due to major stress,
which I guess High School can do to a gal.
Here are some pictures from the exciting blood test:
Summer came and held my hand- I was very scared and she helped me by talking about how nice it would be to marry Ryan Gossling...<3
That's my HEALTHY blood in those 3 tubes Summer has.
I hope your week is going well!
January 6, 2013
Choose you THIS day
Spiritual enlightenment:
I have been humbled... Today matters. Every day matters. Every day holds the potential to be great, the potential to help one of Heavenly Father's children, and to better serve him. Even at Manhattan High School. I WILL try harder to be a better servant to Him, and to do all I can, and be glad that I can serve.
I have terrible news.
School starts back up tomorrow.
I AM excited for seminary to start back up and I do have a desire to see some friends I have not seen in two weeks. those are really the only up sides to this situation.
HOWEVER. contrary to everything I just said...I am going to try and have a positive attitude about it. I am going to try and not think about other people who may or may not be thinking crude things (I have a problem with just assuming the worst) about me and just keep my head high!
For this new year, My sister Anna and I decided that we would be cute every day. that is, we would actually put quite a lot of effort into our ensemble choices to boost confidence and class...We also had this goal last year...we shall see how it goes.
I am anxiously waiting my letter from BYU-idaho. its making me nervous.
my toes are still swollen and one is really purple...I don't know why
School starts back up tomorrow.
I AM excited for seminary to start back up and I do have a desire to see some friends I have not seen in two weeks. those are really the only up sides to this situation.
HOWEVER. contrary to everything I just said...I am going to try and have a positive attitude about it. I am going to try and not think about other people who may or may not be thinking crude things (I have a problem with just assuming the worst) about me and just keep my head high!
For this new year, My sister Anna and I decided that we would be cute every day. that is, we would actually put quite a lot of effort into our ensemble choices to boost confidence and class...We also had this goal last year...we shall see how it goes.
I am anxiously waiting my letter from BYU-idaho. its making me nervous.
my toes are still swollen and one is really purple...I don't know why
January 5, 2013
I am 17 years old. However I still attend the family pediatric doctor when it is needed. Such as today. It was only a little awkward sitting in a room with 29 children under the age of ten watching good luck Charlie in little chairs, but hey.
I have swollen toes and achy joints. I am going to be tested for rheumatoid arthritis on Monday, but I think it's just due to stress
I'm sure everything is just dandy!
I have swollen toes and achy joints. I am going to be tested for rheumatoid arthritis on Monday, but I think it's just due to stress
I'm sure everything is just dandy!
January 3, 2013
Yesterday I went ice skating with some friends from MHS. It was a blast and I avoided making a complete fool of myself. Here are pics to prove it:
January 1, 2013
My lovely sister Anna Nominated me for the Liebster
How it works:
What is a
of thumb:
Without looking, guess what time it is
and tell us your time/actual time.
many rings before you answer the phone?
Where did you grow up?
What is
your favorite time of the day?
Do you sing in the shower?
What time do you
get up?
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.What
is it?
Favorite snack?
What song is usually in your head?

How it works:
The liebster
blog award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200
The meaning:
liebster is german and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved,
lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcomed.
1. Each
person much post 11 things about themselves
2. Answer
the question the nominator made for you and also create 11 more questions for
the blogs you nominate
3. Choose 11
people and link them to your post
4. Go to
their page and tell them.
5. No tag
the strangest talent you have?
I can pull my left elbo behind my head over to my right ear
My guess: 7:20 Acutal time: 7:06
What is your best childhood memory?
going to the store with my little play cart and following my mom around while she shopped
3- a feel-good average number
Manhattan KS
late afternoon
most definately
on a school day around 5:15 but on holiday break around 9
The teachings of Gordon B. Hinkley "...industrial power in the history of the earth. Now we have lost..." I guess we will never know.
chips and salsa/guacamolie!
Payphone by Maroon 5
My Problem: I don't actually have 11 friends that blog. I have 2 and they have already done this contest so this is open to ANYONE. do it here, on a facebook, twitter or just for fun!
My questions:
Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks?
Is a picture really worth 1000 words? why?
What is the last TV show, movie or book that made you cry?
do you wet the toothbrush before or after the toothpaste?
what are some good new years resolutions?
what do you want to be when you grow up?
do you have a youtube addiction? what is it?
do you sing along with the radio? how loud?
favorite movie quote?
what is your favorite day?
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