November 4, 2012

the project

So I have been on blog strike.  The reason being is......

Do you remember that BIG PROJECT I was working on?  Well it took a long time to put it in motion.

something would always come up so that I wouldn't be able to accomplish the task.  BUT IT IS DONE!! so I am blogging to celebrate :)

The BIG PROJECT was painting pumpkins to ask one of my really awesome gangsta friends to the Girls choice dance, SUBDEB.
So here is what all transpired::

         picking the right pumpkins can be difficult. I ended up picking the one on the far left. good choice?

then I had to pick 7 little baby pumpkins for the letters: S U B D E B

this takes a lot of skill.

the final cut.

I just love the farmers market

awww :(

and I didn't realize this until after!! So fun!

a painting

Parker was a big help

the back said my silly and didn't get a picture of it :P

and boo yeah! he said yes :) 

1 comment:

  1. BOO YEAH! I like how the front porch/sidewalk is where we do all our projects. Also this is fun documentation! You are so cool!!! Yay it's over :) I follow you on twitter too!
