February 24, 2013


Got my first official student e-mail from BYU-I.

I know.

Im legit.

February 23, 2013

college. pumped. countdown.

There is not much that I can positively with a full knowledge say.

The only ones I can think of are
1. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true.
2. I can't wait for college.

And the best part is where I'm going to college, is where a lot more people can say they know #1 to be true also.

But lets get real.

I have a countdown to graduation on my ipod.

you think I'm kidding?


I'm working on scholarships today, and I feel like a child. BUT WHO CARES!! COLLEGE BABY!

February 21, 2013

The return

I love that my dad is a band director. He was mine for 2 years in middle school. A few nights ago my dad had a concert and I just chilled in the band room when we got there early for my dad to prep. It was a major blast from the past

February 18, 2013

A forgotten but special post

It is 9 pm. Currently, I am babysitting. I Just put the 3 most lovely children down to sleep and I am lying on the living room rug debating to study government. ...my mind keeps thinking back to a book I read to the kiddos tonight... It was entitled "you are special"

It is about a town full of wooden people, all made by the same woodcarver. They were all different. All day long these wooden people would place stickers on the fellow town members...a star if they thought they were extraordinary...and a dot if they were seen as dull and worthless...
There was a young wooden man named punichello. He only received dots. No matter how hard he tried, he would stumble on his words and be considered a fool...
One day he met a wooden girl named Lucia. She had no dots and no stars whatsoever. Punichello wanted the same, so she told him to go see Eli, the woodcarver who carved all the people.
When punichello went to see Eli, Eli greeted him with such joy, for he loved punichello and called him special
Punichello laughed and said "me, special? Why? I can't walk fast. I can't jump. My paint is peeling. What do I matter to you"the woodcarver looked at him and spoke very softly "because you are mine, that's why you mAtter to me"
The reason Lucia had no dots or stickers was because she didn't give them power. If people tried to give her a star or a dot, they would simply not stick..because she knew the love her creator hAd for her...and that mattered so much more that what the other wooden people thought of her.

I love this. My mom would read this book to me when I was younger and it takes a whole new meaning now.


I am thankful for the people in my life who love me even when I am cranky and bitter.

Remember when I told you I was having trouble with someone who does not care for me very much? (refresh your memory here) Well...it really has not gotten better...and I find myself very frustraited and bitter that I cannot seem to be anything good for them, as I want to be...I get so focused on trying to make everything happy when its just not...and I forget about the wonderful people in my life that I do have and who do love me.

I was reminded of that this past week. 

I am making a goal to be more appreciative of the love that so many people show me that I take for granted...Its hard to do that sometimes when all we see are the ones who do not have that same love.>(that was pointed out to me today)

So... today I am thankful for

Mom Dad Anna Kent Parker Summer Allison Brittany Carly Alex DaMerious Zach Granny Grandpa Grandma Susie Ellie Lexi Britta Savannah Jakob Andrew My YW leaders Mara Ethan Patrick Sarah Alex S Bro Sibley Levi Twister Kiva Emma Annie Tianna Ashlee Meagan

and about a hundred more wonderful people in my life.

How blessed I am

February 10, 2013

a celebration

POST #101

I was meaning to celebrate my 100th post with something super awesome and crative...and then I didn't.

so here we are :) 101 posts! how fun! Its been a long while since I started blogging and I'm still getting the hang of it.  It has sort of become my second journal and its fun to be able to incorporate pictures and captions so that I can remember all my fun memories!

Being corny is awesome.

WELL! to celebrate my 101st post, I have decided to show you the pictures of the dance 
Suburban Debutant 2013
Member this? Well this is the dance that I asked this boy to! WOO! His name is Zach and he is super sassy and fun! I'm so happy we went together!
It was actually quite funny. A week or so ago, I was just walking around school and I start to hear everyone...like EVERYONE talk about subdeb. and I was just like "nahhh thats not for like a month". yeah no. so then I told zach that it was coming up and he's like "nahhh" but yes it was true. So we were like party ninjas and got our flowers and everything ready to go like that. Epic duo he and I.
This is us looking fly

we are supa attractive

the ladies of the group <3


we had the best group ever!

my favorite girls Allison and Summer

Zach was such a good sport. My grandparents really wanted to see me in my dress so we went and took a few pictures with them

The dance was a blast! Unfortunately I accidently locked my keys and camera in the car that night, so my dad had to come with the spare and rescue us.
The highlight of the evening: Zach and I had been singing "pocket full of sunshine" all the way there and during the dance, so my lovely friend Meagan requested it for us :D
It was epic.
these pictures were funny of me getting ready:

this one is the best. sock curls and crazy glue



February 5, 2013


I just took my first ap government test....that I completely forgot about...due to my obsession with Downton Abbey.


February 3, 2013

handsome parker

Today after church..I thought I would give parker a hair cut...for the first time.
this is how it went:

1st stage complete

look at that handsome man!

the plunge

Every year, there is a fundraiser for Kansas Special Olympics and those who donate a certain amount get the priviliage of jumping into a freezing lake in the middle of winter
...this tradition is called the Polar Plunge.
I was lucky enough to be on a team with some of the other students in MHS IPS.
This is us:
Our team name was "slippery when wet"

IT WAS COLD. the temperature that day was around 30, which has not been the worst on record..
but you can still see the floating ice chunks in the water

the ladies of the group with the polar bear
(we were getting a picture of the back of our shirts
so the polar bear was facing the other direction)
There were A TON of people plunging that day. but oh gracious we had to get pumped up fast. It wasnt 3 minutes when we lined up that we were screaming and running into the frozen water 


I was not really sure how far in I was going to go...but we had about 35 people in our group..so the big heard told me I would be going very far
I got all the way to my neck! it was the coolist thing ever.

A few people got a little banged up due to the floating ice chunks,
including me, but oh baby was it worth it!

Our group after the plunge!
We won an award for having the most team members.
(3rd year in a row for "slippery when wet")
This had to be one of the most thrilling and amazing experiences of my life.
I would do it agagin in a heart beat.
and it made all the difference in the world doing it for Kansas Special Olympics
"We were Freezin' for a Reason"