January 23, 2013


This is my brother Parker. I love him so dearly
He is such a sweet boy.
He is eight years old
He also has tourettes syndrome.
Tourettes is a chemical issue in the brain which makes him move in ways he cant control. When you have Tourettes, you also have a very high risk of getting OCD as well, which Parker also has.
This little boy makes me want to be better.
He makes me want to be a better sister
He struggles a lot, but I have never met any one with such a beautiful spirit as his.
Yesterday I was able to talk to my IPS class about Parker and our experience with Tourettes and the impact it has had on our family..
When I asked Parker's permission to do this, he was so open and willing to answer any questions I might have had.
He is so cool.
I was very emotional and it was a lot harder than I thought to speak to the class.
I have not always been the most understanding of Tourettes and OCD and I am certainly not an expert as to what they do to a person.
all I know is they make things hard.
I cried and I was embarrassed...I had only told one person how hard it was for me that Parker had this.  I didn't think it was fair that he had to endure something so hard so young...but lucky for me this person is also in the class, and helped me get through it, weather they knew it or not.
I was very grateful I was able to share this with my IPS family. I love my brother and I want everyone to see him for how strong he is because of his situation, and not focus so much on the fact that he is different.

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