October 5, 2013

Day 31

Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory

Its not very vivid, but I have this memory of being at our old house.  I was four I think...It is hazy, but for some reason I think back to it a lot.  My sister and her friends were all pulling grass and blowing on it to make a loud whistling noise.  I tried and tried but couldn't do it.  I watched all her friends run around with their blades of grass.  I stepped with my velcro tennis shoes and white lace socks on the small brown posts that outlined our  yard and went to the top of the little hill I remember standing, looking at the blade of grass and throwing it out of frustration.  I looked up and saw the sunset.  I remember what it looked like, and I remember how I felt, but thats about it.  I felt so calm and peaceful, and I forgot those other kids.  I felt like Belle on Beauty and the Beast when she sang "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere"  I just remembered bits and pieces.  but I like that one a lot :)

1 comment:

  1. I have never been able to blow on a piece of grass and make it work. So I was right there with you.
