February 22, 2014

20 things we should say more

I watched this video today and I loved it!

I really truly do believe that the things we say matter.  I know that no one is perfect, but I also know that words can truly turn someone's day around.

I was walking home from class one day last semester.  It was 9 am and I was so sleepy and grumpy.  I had forgotten to do an important part of the prep for the lesson and I wanted to go home and sleep.  I was walking with my head down just looking at my feet. I looked up for a brief moment and a girl who was walking toward campus passed me with a smile, looked right at me and said

"Good morning!"

In that moment I felt better.  I'm not sure if it was the happy look on her face or the kind word she gave me, but I decided not to be grumpy anymore.  I made an effort to smile at people I was passing on campus.  I want to be as kind as that girl was who's kind word helped my day turn around.

20 things I want to say more often:

  1. You are a gem
  2. Can I pray for you?
  3. Tell me about your day (and be interested)
  4. *smile*
  5. I'm proud of you
  6. Can I give you a hug?
  7. Oh my gracious you are wonderful
  8. I made a *cookie would you like one? (*bake more and share more)
  9. You are loved
  10. You are important
  11. I hope you know you mean a lot
  12. You look lovely today
  13. Can I do anything to help?  (and follow through)
  14. I'm sorry
  15. Do you want to play just dance?
  16. I will try to do better
  17. *laugh at happy things*
  18. Thank you for your smile
  19. You  are awesome
  20. Good Morning
IMAGE: http://www.bostonbakesforbreastcancer.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/sun-294x300.jpg

what do you think we should say more often?
comment below!