June 17, 2012

the wedding!


The wedding day went awesome...except we kinda got lost on the way to the temple. but no worries, we said a prayer and all was well.

It went so fast when we got into the front room of the temple.  It was so cute to see all the old ladies swarm around anna and assure her that everything would be perfect.  I didn't really get to say goodbye to her before she left but I didn't really need to.  I knew she loved me, and I knew how happy Kent was going to make her. and that was enough for me.

During the wedding, Kent's siblings, Parker and I sat in the waiting room.  We were all kinda quiet, but excited at the same time.  
when Anna and Kent came out, it was like everything and nothing had changed at the same time. They were glowing with happiness! 



Congratulations Anna and Kent Buys!

1 comment:

  1. Claire Doll--I enjoyed reading about Anna's Wedding and seeing the pics! I also thought it was tender what happened the night before in the hotel. In case you are wondering, I cried a lot when my sibs got married too. It's hard when you feel like things are changing and you're kinda left behind to just figure it out and accept it.
    You are beautiful.
