August 11, 2012

the beauty of unexpected things.

Back story time.

during my time in elementary school, the Manhattan High School Pops Choir would come and sing for us.  The first time I remember the pretty girls in the pink sparkly dresses was when I was 6 years old.  I remember thinking, "When I'm older, I am going to be one of those girls" ..It was a dream of mine from then out...
This is THE pops group I saw that struck that hope.

so when High School came around, I still had that dream. I saw the glamorous seniors dancing and singing, looking like they where having the time of their lives! I was so excited to audition when I was a senior!

So the time came my junior year to audition for the 2012-2013 MHS pops choir.

I practiced so hard.

I sand "My Country 'Tis of Thee" about a thousand times-that was the song we auditioned on.
I did several rhythm charts
I practiced my Sol Fedge everyday

I felt good about my audition and thought I was golden to make it..

Until I saw the list that my name was not on. 

I was devastated.  I did not want to  go to school, I cried almost everyday.  It seems like it shouldn't be a big deal to not make a class, but when your heart is so in something for so long..Its hard.

Mr. Pape, my choir director told us something about 2 months before auditions. He told us that the 2012-2013 year would not only have Pops, but another specialty choir.  There would be no dancing, just singing. It would have a variety of age groups and be just as great.

However I did not believe it.

How could anything be just as great as POPS? especially because there was no dancing involved, and with younger singers.  I thought little about it because my sights were so set on pops.

after I didn't make it, I noticed my name was on that list for the other choir.
I tried to have a good attitude about it, and told myself it was worth doing, although deep inside every ounce of me wanted to just quit choir all together. 

This new choir was called Varsity Choir. 30 people, 15 guys and 15 girls got in.  I prayed about it and decided that this would be a good experience, and that I should not quit.

I am so glad.

This week was Varsity and Pops camp. I went with an almost healed heart from the disappointment  of not making pops.  

 I made so many memories in those short 5 days.
from getting stuck in the middle of nowhere at 12:30am with the girls trying to place home made signs in the boys' yard, to sitting in a big circle with all the wonderful people I have shared High school with for so long and learning things about them that had never crossed my mind.  I had never taken the time to get to know some of these amazing students.

here are some of the pictures from this most incredible week:

my fun friend Allison 
GIRLS NIGHT! we made signs for the boys



                          after the concert, the girls had a fun night at he old stadium. It was a blast!

I am so thankful for this opportunity.  I do admit when I heard pops practicing for the concert I had to leave the room and have a little tear. But after singing with all my new best friends, I realized that there is nowhere I would rather be than in varsity choir.

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