April 28, 2013

Grown up doctor

Remember when I complained about having to go to the pediatric doctor? Yeah I'm cool with it now.

About 2 weeks ago, I started having really horrific bak pain. So the first few pics are of the pediatric office where I started...then the last few are of the scary grown up doctors office...
It was kinda cool to be all "yeah here's my ID I'm totes 18" but it was rather strange.

I got X-rays and an MRI on my back and we will get the results sometime next week

Ps I got this cool app with all the smilies on it 📲🍯🍎🍊🍋🍅🍇🍐🌽🍡🍩🍣🍚🍢🏄🀄🎻🐋🐳#⃣2⃣😷
There are A TON

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